Universita di GenovaUniGe ¦ EcoSystemics

Fundings from the Architects' Council of Europe for a new project


Schermata 2023-06-14 alle 11.15.32 - [Font Immagine dello schermo Pianta terrestre]

The research proposal "Neural correlates of object and spatial visual cognitive styles. Psychological and electroencephalographic assessment" won the "A.I. Architects for innovative research. Call for research experts and young talents in Artificial Intelligence" launched by the Architects' Council of Europe" and received a 6K€ funding.

The research project is part of Linda Buondonno PhD research and is developed in collaboration with Prof. Andrea Giachetta, Gaia Leandri, PhD; Prof. Carlo Chiorri (DISFOR-Unige) and Prof. Manila Vannucci (NEUROFARBA-Unifi).
